Poor air quality is often seen as an outdoor problem, but the quality of the air inside your home can greatly impact your health. The average American spends about 90% of their time indoors. That can expose them to pollutants such as dust, mold, pet dander, and other substances that will impact their health as much as the smoke and smog polluting the air outside.

Allergens and Poor Humidity

If you have a serious air quality problem in your home, you may suffer from allergies. Substances such as pet dander, dust, and mold can trigger symptoms such as a runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing, and coughing. Many of these can be filtered out by a home purification system or even a clean HVAC filter, so don’t hesitate to contact an HVAC technician if you suspect that you have issues with allergens in your home.

Even if you don’t usually suffer from allergies, you might notice other air quality issues in your home. If the air in your home is particularly dry, you might notice symptoms such as dry skin, dry eyes, and even some minor upper respiratory problems. If the air in your home is too humid, you might have issues with mold or water damage.

Carbon Monoxide

Perhaps the most dangerous issue with poor indoor air quality is carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas that can be produced by a faulty furnace or unvented space heaters, and it can be deadly in large amounts. This is why it is so important to have your HVAC system serviced regularly and to have carbon monoxide detectors on every floor of your home.

Our Experts Can Help

If you suspect that you have issues with your home’s air quality, don’t hesitate to contact David White Services for assistance. David White Services has been in business since 1977, and we specialize in heating, cooling, and air quality services for homeowners in Lancaster, OH and the surrounding areas. Ask us about our AC maintenance too!

For more information about the air quality and HVAC services offered by David White Services, contact us today.

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